


Civil War

Indian War




P.O Box 70116
Riverside Ca, 92513-0116
(951) 354-6644

Saddles And Equipment

From the British Universal saddle, that saw service in the Napoleonic wars, US saddle makers used various designs. From the Walker light dragoon saddle of 1812 until the more commonly used Ringgold and Grimsley of the Mexican War, many variations saw many hours of trails to determine their worth.

(Click on images for a larger view)

(left) 1847 Grimsley Saddle, (right) 1847 Grimsley Dragoon Saddle

(left) 1847 Grimsley Valise, (right) 1847 Dragoon Grimsley

(left) 1858 Fed Issue Texas Hope Saddle

1805 Accessories
- 1805 Hussar Bridles
- 1805 British Universal Saddle
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1834 Saddles and Accessories
- 1841 Saddle
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- 1841 Bridle
- Halter Lead
- Watering Bridle
- Breat Collar
1844 Saddles and Accessories
- 1844 Ringold Saddle
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1847 Saddles and Accessories
- 1847 Grimsly Valise Saddle
- 1847 Grimsly Drivers Saddle
- 1847 Grimsly Dragoon Saddle
- Linen Surcingle
- Bridle
- Shoe Pouch
- Halter and Lead
- Reins
- Pommel Holsters (Walker Colts)
- Crupper
- 1833 Brass Stirrups
1855 Campbel Accessories
- Bridle
- Halter & Lead
- Reins
- Campbel Valise
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1858 Saddle
- 1858 Texas Hope

(Please leave Phone Number and Address on E-Mails) Visa and MasterCard is accepted on all purchases (Saddles and Tack only). All shipping and state taxes are not included in the price listed. All purchases made out of the United States are to be made in U.S. funds. Catalogs available for $3.50 in the U.S. Out of the U.S. $5.00.