


Civil War

Indian War




P.O Box 70116
Riverside Ca, 92513-0116
(951) 354-6644

Indian War Period
Saddles And Equipment

This was a time of transition starting in 1866. In 1868 variations of the existing 1863 saddle began. Many were covered in fair leather with the Civil War rigging re-attached. In some cases brass pommel and cantle caps were attached to the fair leather or just attached to the existing rawhide of the 1863. In 1872 the saddle became black in color with canvas saddlebag and a brush and shoe pouch. In 1874 the saddle remained black but the saddlebags became leather and the brush and shoe pouch were done away with. As the Indian wars continued, further modifications continued resulting in the 1884 and 1898 models.

(Click on images for a larger view)

(left) 1874 McClellan Saddle, (right) 1874 Saddlebags

(left) 1874 Guidon Socket and Stirrups, (right) Breat Collar

(left) 1874 McClellan with 1859 Saddlebags,
(right) 1879 Jerkline Mule Saddle with 1874 Saddlebags

(left) 1879 Whitman Saddle,
(right) 1879 Whitman Saddle with Saddlebags

(left) 1885 Officer's Saddle, (right) 1884 Officer's Saddle Detail

(left) 1884 Saddlebags, (right) 1879 Whitman or California Saddlebags

1868 Saddle and Accessories
- 1868 Saddle Covered with Skirts
- 1868 Saddle Covered without Skirts
- 1868 Saddle with Skirts and Brass Trim
1872 Saddle and Accessories
- 1872 Saddle
- Brush and Shoe Pouch
- 1872 Canvas Saddlebags
- Linen Cinch
- 1872 Saddle Cloth 28x30
1874 Saddle and Accessories
- 1874 Saddle
- 1874 Saddlebags
- 1874 Bridle
- 1874 Halter and Lead
- Linen Cinch
- 1874 Fenders
- 1874 Quarter Strap Assembly
- Linen Surcingle
- Stirrup Straps
- Hooded Stirrups
- Carbine Socket
- Link Strap
- 1874 Heart Safes
- 1874 Curb Chain Safe
- 1874 Saddle Blanket
- 1874 Guidion Stirrups
1879 Whitman Saddle and Accessories
- 1879 Whitman Saddle
- 1879 Saddlebags
- 1879 Scabbard
- 1879 Rifle Scabbard
1879 Jerkline Mule Saddle
- 1879 Jerkline Mule Saddle
1885 Saddle and Accessories
- 1885 Saddle
- Hooded Stirrups
- 1885 Saddlebags
- 1885 Bridle
- Halter and Lead
- 1885 Nose Bags
- Linen Surcingle
- Link Strap
- Reins
1898 McClellan Saddle
- 1898 McClellan Saddle

(Please leave Phone Number and Address on E-Mails) Visa and MasterCard is accepted on all purchases (Saddles and Tack only). All shipping and state taxes are not included in the price listed. All purchases made out of the United States are to be made in U.S. funds. Catalogs available for $3.50 in the U.S. Out of the U.S. $5.00.

Photo Courtesy of
Fields of Thunder Museum
Photo Courtesy of
Fields of Thunder Museum